Christian Roselund on the Factor This! Podcast: The Latest in U.S. Solar Trade Policy


Christian Roselund, Senior Policy Analyst at CEA, joins the Factor This! podcast to break down the impact of the latest U.S. solar tariffs and other policies.

The podcast discusses the shift in U.S. trade policy from free trade to protectionism and its significant impact on the solar industry. Christian Roselund explains his strategy for handling new solar tariff petitions and the industry's response to these disputes. The expiration of President Biden's 2-year tariff moratorium on Southeast Asian solar modules is highlighted, along with the roles of the U.S. International Trade Commission and the Department of Commerce in setting tariffs and duties. The conversation covers the challenges posed by anti-dumping and countervailing duties, including their unpredictability and retroactive nature. Finally, the podcast emphasizes the need to build up U.S. manufacturing capacity, supported by the Inflation Reduction Act, to reduce reliance on imported solar components.

Podcast topics:

  • The shift from free trade to protectionism in U.S. trade policy and its impact on the solar industry.

  • Christian Roselund's approach to managing new solar tariff petitions and the industry's reaction to ongoing tariff disputes.

  • The expiration of President Biden's 2-year tariff moratorium on Southeast Asian solar modules and the implications for the U.S. solar market.

  • The roles of the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) and the Department of Commerce in determining tariffs and countervailing duties.

  • The challenges of anti-dumping and countervailing duties, including their unpredictability, retroactive application, and impact on solar imports.

  • The need to build up U.S. manufacturing capacity, supported by the Inflation Reduction Act, to reduce dependence on imported solar components.

This podcast episode was made possible thanks to John Engel.