pv magazine 2021 Roundtables USA Recap
Clean Energy Associates was a Platinum Sponsor for pv magazine’s 2021 Roundtables USA event
November 11, 2021
pv magazine’s 2021 Roundtables USA event concluded yesterday after an informative and engaging day of panels and sessions.
The 2-day Roundtables event focused on two timely and relevant themes to the solar industry today and divided them into two sessions:
Session 1: Optimizing systems and hardware to meet environmental and performance challenges - focusing on optimizing performance and quality of pv and energy storage systems and improving their resiliency towards climate change
Session: 2 Solar everywhere: What the solar industry needs to accelerate deployment - covering new developments in policies, technologies, and supply chains
Clean Energy Associates was proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the event and participated in two discussions:
Standalone Session: EL imaging as a quality assistance tool | Claire Kearns-McCoy, Senior Project Manager / Solar Engineer
Panel Discussion: What solar needs to expand | Paul Wormser, VP of Technology
Click here for a full recap of the event and to view the full recordings of both sessions on pv magazine.