PV Tech Insights: Next Steps for U.S. Solar After Biden's Tariff Intervention


PV Tech Insights: The Next Steps for U.S. Solar After Biden's Tariff Intervention

US President Joe Biden’s decision to waive import tariffs on solar modules and other components for two years promises to thaw what had become a frozen market.

That move, pursued through an executive order, grants a two-year ‘bridge’ for solar developers in the country and all but thwarts the ongoing anti-circumvention investigation launched by the Department of Commerce.

But questions remain, not least what the immediate next steps are for the US solar market and, crucially, when it can expect the current trickle of modules into the country to become a steady stream. There is also uncertainty over what shape Biden’s other actions from this week could take, most pertinently the use of the Defense Production Act to stimulate domestic manufacturing.

CEA’s VP of Technology, Paul Wormser, joined this PV Tech Insights webinar to answer these questions and more. Paul was joined by Morten Lund, Partner at Stoel Rives, and Liam Stoker, Editor in Chief at Solar Media.