Project Sale & Acquisition of Solar PV and Energy Storage Assets


Clean Energy Associates' Project Sale & Acquisition Services address clients' challenges in buying or selling renewable energy assets by providing comprehensive assessments and expert guidance to ensure informed decision-making and minimize risks.

  1. Technical Due Diligence
    Rigorous examination of technical aspects, such as design, technology, and compliance, to validate project viability and potential risks.

  2. Energy Production Validation
    Verification of energy production data against expected and estimated performance using measured and historical data to confirm project performance.

  3. Historical Performance Review
    Analysis of performance data to identify trends, issues, and opportunities for optimization.

  4. Performance Ratio, Capacity, and Availability Tests
    Assessments to evaluate the efficiency, maximum power output, and system availability to support commissioning administration of clean energy projects.

  5. On-Site Inspection
    Thorough site evaluations to ensure compliance with design specifications, safety regulations, and industry best practices.


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