The PV SMIP provides a comprehensive and unbiased analysis of the top PV module manufacturers in the world. It offers detailed insights into capacities, technology, and efficiency roadmaps, along with Manufacturing, Capacity, and Technology (MCT) ratings for each supplier.
Read MoreOn August 18, 2023, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued its Final Determination in the anti-circumvention case regarding imports of solar PV cells and modules from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. CEA's Market Intelligence team has developed a briefing on the final determination.
Read MoreThe PV SMIP provides a comprehensive and unbiased analysis of the top PV module manufacturers in the world. It offers detailed insights into capacities, technology, and efficiency roadmaps, along with Manufacturing, Capacity, and Technology (MCT) ratings for each supplier.
Read MoreUncover the truth about solar rooftop safety. Download CEA's report, learn common risks, and strategize remediation.
Read MoreThe latest Energy Storage System (ESS) Supplier Market Intelligence Report forecasts a tripling of the global lithium-ion battery (LIB) cell capacity by 2025, with North America outpacing Europe due to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
Read MoreOn Friday May 12, 2023, the U.S. Treasury Department and IRS issued a notice of intent (NOI) providing guidance on the Domestic Content Bonus for the ITC and PTC. CEA's Market Intelligence team has developed a briefing that summarizes this guidance.
Read MoreThe latest PV Price Forecasting report forecasts that China module pricing will drop ~15% from Q4 2022 to Q4 2023, as polysilicon prices fall, while Southeast Asia module pricing is expected to decrease ~5%.
Read MoreThe latest PV Supplier Market Intelligence report follows the progress of several industry trends, including next-generation n-type TOPCon and HJT capacity expansions; reduced future polysilicon prices; and China’s strong installation market.
Read MoreThe latest Energy Storage System (ESS) Supplier Market Intelligence report finds that the EV sector continues its dominance throughout this decade, accounting for over 80% of global battery deployments, as zero-emission mobility policies have already been implemented across different regions.
Read MoreCEA's Market Intelligence team has developed a briefing that outlines the top-line findings from the Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Circumvention published by the U.S. Department of Commerce on December 2, 2022.
Read MoreThe latest PV Supplier Market Intelligence report explores polysilicon price impacts on high-efficiency modules, China’s PV market, ever shifting wafer sizes, n-Type supplier updates, and more.
Read MoreThe PV Price Forecasting Report provides independent market intelligence on changes in global supply chains and accurate forecasts for supply price scenarios based on technologies, materials, manufacturing regions and target markets, as well as supply and demand forecasts and analysis.
Read MoreThe latest PV Supplier Market Intelligence report examines technology developments for n-type products, and the hurdles to be overcome as TOPCON and HJT move towards mass adoption.
Read MoreCEA's Market Intelligence team has developed a briefing on the outcome and implications of the U.S. federal government’s strategy release for the implementation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), which goes into effect on June 21.
Read MoreCEA's Market Intelligence team has developed a briefing on the high-level implications of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s investigation into anti-dumping and countervailing duties by solar PV makers in four Asian countries.
Read MoreThe latest Energy Storage System (ESS) Supplier Market Intelligence report finds that due to growth in renewable energy deployments, high energy costs from natural disasters, and increasing concerns around energy security, global demand for energy storage is expected to surpass 100 GWh in 2005.
Read MoreThe latest PV Supplier Market Intelligence report examines energy control policies in China, potential raw material bottle necks, polysilicon updates, module pricing, and global production capacity outlooks.
Read MoreThe latest PV Supplier Market Intelligence report examines PV raw material and energy price increases, polysilicon updates, capacities for PV components, module standardization, and up-to-date operational data for the largest solar suppliers.
Read MoreThe latest PV Supplier Market Intelligence report examines the global expansion of polysilicon capacity - with almost all new capacity happening outside Xinjiang following recent political movements.
Read MoreThe latest Energy Storage System (ESS) Supplier Market Intelligence report finds that despite a 4% decline in global energy storage deployment due to COVID-19, worldwide lithium-ion battery deployment increased by 24%, from 17 GWh in 2019 to 21 GWh in 2020.
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