PV Supplier Market Intelligence Report (Q4 - 2023)
SMIP module capacity doubled in 2023; forecast to break 1 TW in 2024
Download the report sample of CEA’s quarterly PV Supplier Market Intelligence Program (SMIP) Report for Q4 2023.
The PV SMIP report provides a comprehensive and unbiased analysis of the top PV module manufacturers in the world. It offers detailed insights into capacities, technology, and efficiency roadmaps, along with Manufacturing, Capacity, and Technology (MCT) ratings for each supplier.
Download a sample version of the PV Supplier Market Intelligence Report by completing the form to the right.
PV SMIP supplier end-of-year module capacities (GW)
Report Highlights
PV SMIP Supplier Profiles
Technology Maturity Ratings
Manufacturer Readiness Level Ratings
Total Cell Capacity Expansion
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