Hydrogen Electrolyzer Supplier Market Intelligence Report (H1 2024)


Alkaline technology dominates, followed by PEM and SOEC

Download the report sample of CEA’s semi-annual Supplier Market Intelligence Program Report for Green Hydrogen Electrolyzers by completing the form to the right.

The semi-annual Electrolyzer Supplier Market Intelligence Program (SMIP) provides high-quality, verified market insights on leaders and newcomers within the water electrolyzer supply chain.

The SMIP contains an analysis of the green hydrogen and electrolyzer market, including including in-depth coverage of major and upcoming electrolyzer suppliers.


SMIP electrolyzer capacity by technology, 2023


Report Highlights

  • Electrolyzer Capacity Forecast

  • Electrolyzer Technology Ranking

  • Detailed Supplier Profiles

  • Supplier Rankings

  • Much more