Clean Energy Associates

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ESS Supplier Market Intelligence Report (Q2 - 2024)

Global LIB market continues to go through overcapacity in Q2 2024

Download the report sample of CEA’s quarterly Energy Storage Systems (ESS) Supplier Market Intelligence Program (SMIP) Report for Q2 2024 by completing the form to the right.

The Q2 2024 report includes concise and standardized analyses of major LIB cell suppliers and BESS integrators, focusing on global production capacities, product portfolios, and notable projects. Furthermore, the report includes a high-level overview of emerging domestic cell suppliers in the United States and European markets with domestic operational and/or announced ESS-dedicated cell manufacturing capacity. An overview of key findings from this release is shared below.

CEA’s research team utilizes high-quality, verified data to create the SMIP report and deliver supplier insights straight from technical management teams.

Global cell production capacity by region (GWh)

Report Highlights

  • Cell supplier overview

  • Supplier capacity forecasts

  • Supplier shipment volume

  • Integrator overview

  • Much more

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